Student Stories

Meet a few of the incredible students of Sulam. Their stories serve as an inspiration for Sulam and our entire community.

Haley Well


Lev, a 10th grade Sulam student, was awarded The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) Journalism Fellowship. The competitive fellowship is designed to help students produce an article about an issue in their world of Judaism that impacts them most. Lev wrote an article about the increase in enrollment at Jewish day schools since October 7th, and why families are making that choice. As a former public school student, Lev thinks a lot about the importance of being able to attend his Jewish community school.

"It was tough being in public school, away from my community, and it was also difficult coming back to a Jewish school," Lev explained. "But," he continued, "I much prefer being at Sulam where I can get the support I need, all while participating in a Jewish school." Lev hopes his article will be published by JTA in December.


Leah is an intelligent, energetic, and thoughtful young girl who entered Sulam in the 7th grade. A highly gifted student, she had nevertheless been struggling to meet expectations at a school that lacked the social, emotional and behavioral support she needed.

At Sulam, Leah flourished academically, and has learned many coping strategies and skills to navigate the social demands of her world. Her parents are overjoyed: “Before Sulam we did not appreciate Leah’s gifts. We were more concerned about her difficulties. Now, we have come to know our daughter as a talented and creative human being with so much to offer. We can’t wait to see what she has in store.”


Elana joined Sulam in Kindergarten, when we launched the Shearim program, and has developed deep friendships with her classmates over the years. Under the guidance and care of our team, Elana has flourished; the carefully crafted Shearim program has enabled her to grow her life skills, social and emotional skills, Judaic learning, academic growth, and increase her inclusion at Berman Hebrew Academy.

Elana has now completed high school, where she confidently navigated the school hallways. She was always smiling and chatting with her friends, who were a mix of Shearim students, Sulam students, and Berman students.

Alumni Reflections

We are so proud of our alumni and all they have achieved. Learn a bit about their journeys at Sulam!

Mike, Class of 2020

Emuna, Class of 2019

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Jessica, Class of 2018

Jessica, a bright, charismatic and creative student entered Sulam in 2nd grade. Through her years of support from the Sulam team of special educators, Jessica thrived within her Jewish community day school while learning to navigate the demands of a rigorous education.

While at school, Jessica discovered her passion for emergency medical support services and began interning at the local firehouse. After graduating in 2018 Jessica worked hard to become a qualified EMT. Along with volunteering, Jessica now works a full-time job as a mental health counselor for Sheppard Pratt.

“Nothing came easy to me, but I learned from Sulam that where there is a will there's a way.”

- Jessica