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Sulam@JDS is an exciting new initiative between the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS) and Sulam. This pilot inclusion program for students with diverse learning needs will begin in the 2022-2023 school year with cohorts of students in two grade levels at CESJDS Lower School, providing them with the highly specialized support they need while attending a rigorous, pluralistic independent Jewish day school.

CESJDS is a leading JK-12 pluralistic independent Jewish day school that is known for its strong academics, comprehensive program, and commitment to Jewish values, learning, and Israel. For more than twenty years, Sulam has and continues to provide expertise in special education for students with learning differences in local schools. 

Sulam@JDS is a highly collaborative program that partners with all stakeholders; parents, students, general educators and specialists, to ensure a meaningful, high quality individualized program for each student.  We believe that every student is valuable to our community and has the right to be included in all aspects of their community school. We provide the necessary educational, social, and emotional support to ensure success and maximize possibilities and potential.

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